AO Negatives Roll 021

by Randy Lusk

The Idea for these photographs had been planned for a couple of weeks. We finaly got together on the night of November 7th 1975 with Gary Satterlee, Mike Gonzales, Byrne Perkins, Darrell Kelley, Clark Bryan and myself, Randy Lusk. Another of our friends, John Chaney wanted badly to be included in the "Family" photo but several of us did not want that to happen. I remember thinking at the time that that was pretty mean but I had only been recently introduced to John. I remember thinking later on, "..thats why they didnt want him to be in the photo". We had put him off whenever he mentioned it, and he even called that night when we were getting ready to take the picture. The photo was taken the night before I was baptised in the Church and the evening before I cut my hair. We wanted to take a photograph together before we all went our seperate ways. Mike, Clark, Byrne and Darrell were all about to  join the service.  A few months after the photo was taken, Gary Satterlee joined the Church and two years later we had all left the United States and were living on 4 different continentes.
-Randy Lusk